Dental Podcast Series

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Dental Podcast Episodes
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Series: AdDent CE Credits: 0.25
Guest: Dr. John Comisi Release Date: 7/31/23
Lots of compelling research is supporting the concept of doing things a little differently when it comes to placing our composite restorative materials. And yes, you've guessed it, this has to do with the temperature of the material when applying it to the tooth preparation. Our guest, Dr. John Comisi, will tell us more about this and why we should consider warming things up in our direct restorative procedures. Dr. Comisi practiced general dentistry and dental sleep medicine in Ithaca, NY for 35 years before relocating to South Carolina in August 2017 to join the faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine where he is an Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry.

Series: AdDent CE Credits: 0
Guest: Larry Clark Release Date: 1/30/23
Dental podcast: Welcome to DentalTalk. I'm Dr. Phil Klein. Today we'll be discussing the importance of warming composites and how it benefits the patient and the clinician. Our guest is Larry Clark, who has been involved in the development, research and marketing of dental restoratives for more than 40 years. Larry will give us his perspective on modern day composites and why we should be warming our composites during placement.

Series: AdDent CE Credits: 0.25
Guest: Dr. Bob Lowe Release Date: 11/18/22
Dental podcast: Welcome to DentalTalk. I'm Dr. Phil Klein. Today we'll be discussing clinical considerations and the benefits for using warmed composites when placing direct bonded dental restorations. Our guest is Dr. Robert Lowe, who maintains a part time private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. He publishes and lectures internationally on aesthetic and restorative dentistry.

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